Campaigns & ElectionsPolitical PartiesState Government

California Senate Race Enters the Homestretch

Posted on in Campaigns & Elections · Political Parties · State Government

The California senate race intensified after Representative Katie Porter accused frontrunner Representative Adam Schiff of cynically propping up the Republican candidate. The political ad from the Schiff campaign sought to remind California’s electorate of Republican Steve Garvey’s connection to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. Schiff has opened a significant lead and fundraising advantage over Porter, Garvey, and Representative Barbara Lee. Former baseball player Garvey emerged as the GOP’s candidate and prevents the GOP’s best hope to flip the senate seat. A political novice, Garvey has struggled on the stump and has consistently trailed the frontrunner.

Whose important endorsement did Schiff secure?

Instructors: click the link below to download this week’s lecture for use in your classroom. The deck contains a writing prompt and a debate question as well as other assessment questions.

Download: CQP_Lecture_Spark_California Senate Race Enters Homestretch


News Articles

Poll shows Garvey and Porter tied for second place in California’s Senate race

Yahoo News


Your guide to the California U.S. Senate election: The race to succeed Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Los Angeles Times


GOP’s former MLB star Garvey trails Democratic rivals in fundraising for U.S. Senate seat but tied for second in poll

The Mercury News


Barbara Lee’s Antiwar Campaign for the Senate

New Yorker


Porter accuses Schiff of ‘brazenly cynical’ ad ‘boosting’ Republican Garvey

The Hill


Could a Baseball Star Really Flip Dianne Feinstein’s Seat?



Barbara Boxer endorses Rep. Adam Schiff, breaking neutrality promise



California presidential primary election 2024: What to expect on your Super Tuesday ballot

Desert Sun



Writing: Explain why Representative Barbara Lee faces concerns about her age. What political issue is Lee hoping will propel her to the November general election?

Debate: Should Steve Garvey appeal to the GOP base or run as a more independent Republican?

Poll: Did Senator Butler decide too early not to seek reelection?

Short Answer: Why did California decide to move up its primary calendar from the usual June date?

News Quiz


An analysis of the three leading Democrats’ voting records showed they voted the same nearly 100 percent of the time. (T/F)

Although California uses the top-two system for the senate race, the presidential primary is closed to only registered members. (T/F)

Most political analysts classify California as a so-called “tossup” state. (T/F)

Multiple Choice

Steve Garvey played for which professional sports team?

  1. Los Angeles Lakers
  2. Los Angeles Rams
  3. Los Angeles Dodgers
  4. San Francisco Giants

Representative Porter alleged that Representative Schiff lacks impartiality because he has taken political contributions from ____________?

  1. fossil fuel interests
  2. pro-life groups
  3. Trump supporters
  4. PACs (political action committees)

Which political issue has divided the leading Democratic senate candidates in California the most?

  1. the possible impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas
  2. funding for Ukraine
  3. property taxes in California
  4. the Israel/Hamas war

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