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Major Challenges Confront Incoming UK Prime Minister

The UK has a new prime minister in Liz Truss after Boris Johnson resigned. The former prime minister was forced to step down after a series of scandals plagued his administration resulting in a loss of confidence from within his own party. The day prior to becoming sworn in as prime minister, Ms. Truss was chosen to be leader of the Conservative Party. The Conservative Party holds a majority of seats in the House of Commons, therefore, there is no need to hold a general election for prime minister. Truss becomes the UK’s 56th Prime Minister and just the third woman to hold the position.

What happened in Great Britain?

INSTRUCTORS: click the link below to download this week’s lecture for use in your classroom. The deck contains a writing prompt and a debate question as well as other assessment questions.


News Articles:

Liz Truss becomes UK prime minister after meeting Queen at Balmoral


September 6, 2022

Liz Truss takes over as British prime minister after meeting with the queen


September 6, 2022

Liz Truss becomes Britain’s new prime minister


September 6, 2022

News Articles (Analyses):

New prime minister: Seven big questions for Liz Truss


September 5, 2022

Truss appointed as Britain’s PM, Johnson bows out


September 6, 2022


Liz Truss to succeed Boris Johnson as British prime minister, inheriting a country in crisis


September 5, 2022


 Writing:? What is the significance of Liz Truss becoming the UK prime minister?

 Debate: Should the UK continue to support Ukraine even if the economy suffers as a result?

 Poll: What is the biggest issue confronting the UK?

 Short Answer: What are the ramifications of high interest rates and inflation?


Boris Johnson will continue to serve as UK prime minister. (T/F)

Nearly half of all UK prime ministers have been female. (T/F)

The Conservative Party holds a majority of the seats in the House of Commons. (T/F)

There are fears inflation could exceed?

  1. 5 percent
  2. 10 percent
  3. 15 percent.
  4. 20 percent.

Which of the following may hold a referendum on independence soon?

a. Wales.

b. Scotland.

c. Northern Ireland.

d. England.

All the following were cited as issues confronting the incoming UK prime minister EXCEPT.

a. The economy.

b. Trade between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

c. Election fraud in the recent election for prime minister.

d. Long wait lists for care.


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