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Bahrain Normalizes Relations with Israel

The small gulf state of Bahrain recently became only the fourth  Arab country to normalize its relationship with Israel. Bahrain joins the United Arab Emirates, who in August declared they would formally establish full diplomatic ties with the state of Israel. The news marks a significant win for the Trump administration and for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who believe that this move will help isolate Iran.

Instructors, click the link below to download this week’s lecture for use in your classroom. The deck contains a writing prompt and a debate question as well as other assessment questions.

Download the PowerPoint Lecture Spark for “Bahrain Normalizes Relations with Israel”


“What is behind Bahrain’s normalisation deal with Israel?”

“Behind the scenes of the U.S.-brokered Israel-Bahrain agreement”

“Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain to establish ‘full diplomatic relations,’ Trump says “

“Bahrain becomes second Arab nation to recognize Israel in less than a month”

“Rabbi Abraham Cooper: Bahrain-Israel deal shows why Trump deserves Nobel Peace Prize”

“The Normalization of UAE-Israel Relations”

“Netanyahu flies to Washington to sign historic peace deals with UAE and Bahrain”

“Trump announces ‘peace deal’ between Bahrain and Israel”


Current events quiz:

1) All the following are true EXCEPT?

a. Saudi Arabia recognizes Israel and did so after Jordan in 1995.
b. Egypt was the first Arab country to recognize Israel.
c. Two Arab countries in 2020 said they will recognize Israel.
d. Before the 21st century there were only two Arab countries that recognized Israel.

2) Which country does the United States, Israel, and many Arab countries in the region want to counter and possibly form a coalition against?

a. Iraq
b. Iran
c. Oman
d. Afghanistan

3) What is one of the reasons why some in the Arab world have a negative view towards Israel?

a. The close relationship between China and Israel
b. The vast amount of oil found within Israel
c. The policies Israel has towards the Palestinians
d. The democratic institutions found within Israel

4) Most Arab countries now recognize Israel. (T/F)

5) Many experts believe that it is inevitable more Arab states in the coming future will soon recognize Israel. (T/F)

6) Most people in the Arab world are happy with the decisions of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to recognize Israel. (T/F)


1) A

2) B

3) C

4) False

5) True

6) False


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Featured Image Credit: The White House from Washington, DC

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